Publications and More


  • Supreme Court Weighs Cert. on Critical State Tort Authority Case, ABI J. (July 2021).

  • Will Mission Product Control Ground Tenant Lease Rejection and Survival of Subordinated Interests? ABI J. (Aug. 2020).

  • Georgetown Law Center’s Bankruptcy Advocacy Practicum: Providing Pro Bono Appellate Briefs for Consumer Debtors, ABI J. (July 2018).

  • The Myth of the “Efficient Market:” Restructuring Real Estate Mortgages, ABI J. (March 2018).

  • Time to Resolve Confusion on Pension Contributions, ABI J., (Feb. 2018).

  • Advanced Fraudulent Transfers: A Litigation Guide, ABI J. (May 2014) (review of work by Edward S. Weisfelner).

  • Rethinking the Springing Guaranty, Practical Real Estate Lawyer, (Nov. 2016).

  • Restructuring Dilemmas for the High Technology Licensee: Will “Plain Meaning” Bring Order to the Chaotic Bankruptcy Law for Assumption and Assignment of Technology Licenses, 44 Gonzaga Law Review 123 (2008/09).

  • David Kuney and David M. Dunn, Post-Confirmation Quagmire, 042805ABI-CLE 241 (April-May 2005).

  • Liquidating Trusts and the Quagmire of Post confirmation Jurisdiction, 14 J. Bankr. L. & Prac. 6 (2005).

  • The Supreme Court and New Value: The Elusive Search for “True Value” and Neutral Bargaining Devices: Market value vs. Judicial Value, 8 J. Bankr. L & Prac. 505 (October, 1999).

  • New Value Reaches the Supreme Court: Time to Stop Sweating Ahlers, 7 J. Bankr. L. & Prac. 477 (July/August 1998).

  • David R. Kuney and Timothy R. Epp, Aftermath of Bonner Mall: Evolution or Regression in the Notion of "New Value”? 5 J.BANKR.L. PRAC. 211, 229-30 (1996).

  • High-Tech Bankruptcy: Preventing Termination of the License Agreement, 6 J. Bankr. L. & Prac. 581 (1997)

  • The Bank Guaranty Agreement: The Emerging Threat of the Bankruptcy Stay ABA J. (Nov. 1985)