
David R. Kuney

Bankruptcy Advocacy


Commentary on key Supreme Court and appellate bankruptcy cases

Areas of Focus

Pro bono

David Kuney has participated in pro bono appellate litigation for consumer and commercial bankruptcy cases, including amicus briefs at the U.S. Supreme Court and all appellate courts. See briefs.

Adjunct professor bankruptcy law

David Kuney is an Adjunct Professor of Bankruptcy Law at the Georgetown University Law Center, teaching the Bankruptcy Advocacy Practicum.

Bankruptcy Advocacy Network (BAN) is designed to provide a forum for commentary and analysis on important issues of bankruptcy law and the impact on the almost one million individuals who seek relief each year. Its goal is to foster discussion and analysis for both consumer and commercial cases and to encourage a more just and balanced bankruptcy law.

Point of View

It is my belief that the U.S. bankruptcy system has a major role to play in providing and restoring economic justice; it can and should address economic inequality and provide not just breathing room, but meaningful ways for debtors at all levels to restore their ability to function and to achieve economic health. I welcome the opportunity to participate on a pro bono or low bono basis to assist with bankruptcy appeals on matters which will promote this sense of economic justice. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further. 

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David R. Kuney

“A Nation’s Greatness Is Measured By
How It Treats Its Weakest Members”
—Mahatma Gandhi

The Purdue Papers

Learn about The Purdue Papers.


Contact David for pro bono assistance on appellate litigation. See disclaimer on lawyer advertising below.